September 8th started out as a rainy day. I was scheduled for what is called a "ripening". It's when your cervix is not soft enough to give birth, so then put a pill on it, and hopefully it will send you into labor. So at 6:00 in the morning my husband, my mother, and I went into the hospital to do this procedure. They did the first pill, and let me rest to see if it worked. At the time I was only dilated to a 1, which is bad when your 4 days over due. While waiting we watched the weather news on TV. It turned out to be the rainiest day in Arizona's recorded history. It was interesting to watch as Arizona was flooded.
So after a couple of hours they came back in to check my cervix, it was still at a 1. So they put the next pill in. They said that walking around would help so I got up and with my mom and Shane, we walked around the hospital, and to the gift shop. There my mom got me this cute little horse toy for the baby, since it's the year of the horse according to the Chinese zodiac. When we were done my husband and I went back to the room since they only allow one person with me.
After a while I needed to go to the bathroom. When I was in there Shane decided to explore the room a bit and was looking at the touch screen on the wall. He swares he didn't touch anything, but while I was still in the bathroom an alarm goes off. Over the PA system everyone hears a "Code Blue" go off. Those who don't know a code blue means the patient is not breathing. So when my mom who is sitting in the waiting area hears that she freaks out thinking something is wrong with me and rushes to my room. She didn't find it funny that it was a mistake.
About an hour after that they come in and tell me that if nothing has changed then I will have to go home and schedule an inducing. So they check, low and behold I am now at a 4. I was having this baby today.
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