Saturday, November 22, 2014

Doctor Trips

Her first doctors trip was two days after we were released from the hospital. Though she does not like her schedule interrupted, she tolerates being poked and prodded. With the foot prick thing they do, she only cried when they squeezed her foot to get more blood.
On the way to first doctors appointment.

At her second appointment she was just as good. Weighing 9lb 10oz, and 22 in long.

At her third, she got her first bunch of shots. She was good until the third shot, at that one she let out a cry in protest. Other then that she was amazing, except it was all happening right in the middle of feeding time and she didn't get fed until the end. She wasn't happy about that. She weighted 11lb 13oz, and was 24in long.

Hospital Fun and Coming Home

It was 9:33 pm. when Saras was born so when they want you to stay 24 hours at the hospital it turns into saying 2 nights. But I was ok with that because they served French toast for breakfast. So that first night my mom went home and Shane and I stayed. He and I found out that our little girl did NOT like the hard plastic bassinet the hospital has. So after feeding she would fall asleep in my arms and that is how any of us got sleep those two first nights.
This is the bassinet she hated being in it. The cute little stork if from her adopted Aunt Janet and Uncle Dexter.

My mom would come in the morning and spend the day with us. Mostly so she could cuddle her newest grandchild, when daddy wasn't holding her.


We eventually got to take her home. She did really well in her car seat for the first time. No crying at all and only minimal amount of fussing.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Labor, Drugs, and Good Music

The contractions were getting harder, and closer together. So they came in and gave me the IV drugs. They made me a little loopy, all I remember of the time I was drugged was asking why a camel would want giraffe spots, and that they wouldn't look good with them. Though I was informed after that my mom and husband had asked me some questions while I was under, and had admitted that yellow was my favorite color. Though everyone who knows me can tell you my favorite color is purple.

As the drugs started to be over come by the contraction pain, I felt the need to push. When I did my water broke, according to my mom it was like an all of the sudden gush of fluid. The nurses then moved me to the delivery room.

They came in and gave me the epidural. I hadn't made a noise yet and the doctor that stuck the needle in my back commented on it. He wondered "So is that how she deals with pain she just phases out?" and my mom over hearing him answered "Yes, that's exactly what she does."

The baby hadn't dropped as far as my doctor would have liked, so he had me lay on my side for 15 minuets and then on the other side before he had me push. As I pushed Dr. Oland commented that we should have some kind of music to listen to. So I had Shane grab my phone which I had downloaded some of my music on to, and put on some music. Everyone was surprised when "Lean Back" by Fat Joe came on. Oland said that he was expecting county not rap.

So about 3 contractions later my baby was born. They put her on me and I fell in love.

She was 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 inches long.

Right out of the womb and she already knows how to do the pouty lip.



Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ripenings and Code Blues

September 8th started out as a rainy day. I was scheduled for what is called a "ripening". It's when your cervix is not soft enough to give birth, so then put a pill on it, and hopefully it will send you into labor. So at 6:00 in the morning my husband, my mother, and I went into the hospital to do this procedure. They did the first pill, and let me rest to see if it worked. At the time I was only dilated to a 1, which is bad when your 4 days over due. While waiting we watched the weather news on TV. It turned out to be the rainiest day in Arizona's recorded history. It was interesting to watch as Arizona was flooded.

So after a couple of hours they came back in to check my cervix, it was still at a 1. So they put the next pill in. They said that walking around would help so I got up and with my mom and Shane, we walked around the hospital, and to the gift shop. There my mom got me this cute little horse toy for the baby, since it's the year of the horse according to the Chinese zodiac. When we were done my husband and I went back to the room since they only allow one person with me.

After a while I needed to go to the bathroom. When I was in there Shane decided to explore the room a bit and was looking at the touch screen on the wall. He swares he didn't touch anything, but while I was still in the bathroom an alarm goes off. Over the PA system everyone hears a "Code Blue" go off. Those who don't know a code blue means the patient is not breathing. So when my mom who is sitting in the waiting area hears that she freaks out thinking something is wrong with me and rushes to my room. She didn't find it funny that it was a mistake.

About an hour after that they come in and tell me that if nothing has changed then I will have to go home and schedule an inducing. So they check, low and behold I am now at a 4. I was having this baby today.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

False Alarm

One night about two weeks before my due date, I had gotten up for one of my many nightly pee runs. On the way to the bathroom I felt a lot of liquid go down my legs. I touched it and smelled it to see if it was pee but it didn't smell like it. This was my first time being pregnant so I didn't know what my water breaking felt like. So before I woke anyone I got on my computer to try to find out what it felt like. I couldn't find anything describing the feeling so I went and woke my husband and mom and we headed to the hospital. We got there, they took a sample of my fluids to run a test. After about an hour or two later they came back and told me it was nothing and I could go home.  It was about 3 in the morning when we finally left. I was hungry so we stopped by McDonalds for food and then went home for some much needed sleep. I felt so bad for waking everyone up for a false alarm, though not to much cause everyone always said it's better to be safe then sorry.

Showers, of the Baby Kind

I have a friend Cheyenne, and she loves babies. So when she found out I was having one, she called throwing me a baby shower. When I was 8 months pregnant, she did. It was a lot of fun with a lot of friends and family. I had to bend down to get something, so I squatted down and then back up without help and everyone applauded. I thought that was funny.

Me and the presents.

This is how everyone signed in, it also made a lovely gift.

Me and my big belly.

Cheyenne is the one in the stripes.

The Tabi of My Heart

Tabi was my first pet. She had been with me since I was three years old. She was my best friend, my confidant, my little baby girl. For the past few years she was slowly declining in health. I tried to ignore it but it was a fact. One morning she came out from under the small table the TV stood on, and stumbled. I looked at her to see what happened, her back leg had given out on her, it no longer was working. I had turned to my mom with tears in my eyes, I knew in my heart she was dying. I told her it was time, she thought I was talking about the baby, but then she understood and hugged me. So my mom called up the vet to see about getting in to put her down humanely, but he didn't have anything till the next morning. So all day I sat with her and watched as little by little her body shut down. Late in the night around 3 in the morning she passed on.  She had the most beautiful markings, and the prettiest deep green eyes. I miss her every day.

This was taken a day before she passed. She had fallen asleep after eating.